Friday, November 7, 2008

A Few Thoughts...Maybe more

So, my wife comes in and tells me Wednesday evening after I got home from work, "You are Mr. Popular for your post about Nathan. You should go check out your comments." She tells me this, I think mainly because she loves me, and knows that I keep hoping to be able to use my blog, at least in part, as a tool to reach and minister to people. I'd told her several times that I was upset because it seemed no one was reading what I was writing, but anyway, that's not really the issue. So, she comes in and tells me about how several people have responded, and reading made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like maybe I will see this become a place that does actually carry a message that people might actually come to hear. So One of the comments got me thinking though. It came from a person that I don't even know which I think is fantastic, since my vision is to have a place for people to come and interact. and maybe I can teach some too, but this is all rehashed from other previous postings. So, megan k. asked, "Do you think God allowed this to get us (Christians) more on fire to 'go into all the world.' To do what we are supposed to do and quit letting 'somebody else' do our 'job'?" Concerning the outcome of the election. And this really got me thinking.

See, the thing is, i have long said that the things we see going on in our nation are a result of the church not doing its "job", I still believe that the church is what God wants to move through, but we have become so bogged down in "church" that we are not accomplishing anything. Case in point: I came home from work and my wife told me about Dr. Phil's show on tv. I'm not a huge fan, nor am I a naysayer about Dr. Phil, I think on the whole he gives at least fairly sound advice and I love it when he asks, "And how's that werkin' out fer ya?" Just makes me laugh. "Ya cain't make an omlette without buyin' the bacon." "If ya put yer chickins in a basket yer gonna get eggs." Anyway, I could go on...and probably should. See the thing about his show this day was that he was discussing cults...and more specifically their influence on people and their "brainwashing" methods. This reminded me again of megan's question. The reason it did is that Jessie told me about this man on the show who had moved his family across the country in order to join a cult in Abilene, Texas... The House of Yahweh was the name of it. The man went on to talk about the leader and how he indoctrinated people into the cult and how he began to talk about multiple wives, and started pursuing this man's daughters, which was when he left with his family, a sound move from what I'd say. But Jessie made this point that made me think again about megan's question: "How sad that the church is not doing what it should if a man with a Harvard education would move his family across the nation in order to join a cult." See the guy moved his family because "He was searching for a place to belong."

And it made me think...Jes is right...what a poor indictment on the church. Here is a man who is his own words..."For someplace to belong" and instead of finding the church with arms outstretched, loving him and his family with everything in them...he finds a cult to belong to and be a part of. A move that could potentially have cost him and his family in many ways.

So yes, megan, I think that perhaps God did allow this to move us as Christians. I pray daily that He spare our nation from judgement and persecution, but at the same time I know that we as the Body of Christ must start doing something more.

See too often we are more concerned about doing "for" God. I want to tithe for God. I want to worship for God. I want to help at the fall festival for God. We've fallen into a works based gospel without even realizing it. I must do these things "for God". God needs me, becomes the mentality. And here is where I perhaps blow some people's theology completely...God doesn't need you. He doesn't need me. See God is in need of nothing...He is TOTALLY self-sufficient. He doesn't need angels, or prayers, or worship, or anything. See God "needs" nothing, remember Isaiah 55:11? My word will not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please. His very word is sufficient to accomplish what He wants. He needs nothing.

Now that we all feel lowly and in need of groveling, let's examine a fabulous truth though. We are given the untenable position of privilege to work alongside Him in what He wants to accomplish. Think about it for a moment this is the God of the universe, who holds all of creation in the palm of His hand. Not one single sparrow falls to the ground that He doesn't notice, He numbers the hairs on our heads, and He says..."Please come with Me...and BE A PART." Does He need us, no...but He does WANT us. What is the purpose of the body of Christ? We are to be Him in the world. Recall quickly Matthew 5:13-14 - You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.

Do you know what the most played song in the world is? Jimmy Buffet's "Margaritaville". Played in more places everyday than any other song. For those of you who don't know the song (I assure you it is not a Christian one) the chorus goes: "Wastin away again in margaritaville - Searching for my lost shaker of salt - Some people claim that theres a woman to blame - But I know its nobodys fault"
See the thing is I tend to think that just like the person in the song, the world is looking for the lost shaker of salt. Where are we? Is it government's job to take care of the poor? The Bible tends to say it is the church's job. Is it the school's job to teach morality? (How's that werkin' out fer ya?) The Bible tends to say it is actually the parent's job, but gives the moral guidelines to follow. We could go one for a while but the gist is this: We were told to be the salt and the light and to go into the world and we have forsaken that task as a whole. It is much easier to walk past the bum on the street corner or to throw a few coins his way instead of giving him the life he needs. It's much easier to go to church and tithe on Sunday than to lead a life "worthy of the calling you have received (Eph.4:1)" during the week. Here in lies the problem, we try to soothe our consciences regarding how we live by substituting what we do...and it ain't werkin' out to great fer us.
See God sits out there holding the whole of creation in His mighty hand and He looks in and sees our solar system. He looks in a little closer and sees Earth. He looks a little closer and sees Lubbock,Texas (feel free to substitute your city and state of residence). and He sees this little guy standing with fist upraised toward heaven screaming out to Him, "God, I KNOW what I am DOING!" and God say, "You've got to be kidding Me...right?" We see know through a glass DARKLY the Bible says. We don't have a clue...and we forget that the ultimate privilege awaits us if we will just listen and follow Him. It's not about what we do or don't do, it is about following Him, seeking first His kingdom, His righteousness...and everything else will fall into line. Be part of doing that is being WHAT HE CALLED US TO BE!

So quick final thoughts as I wrap up. 1st, megan I do think it is possible God allowed this to move the church out from where she sits now. 2nd, the thought that, sch might be the case frightens me, and here is why: Have you ever compared Acts 1:8 to Acts 8:1? Here's what they say:

Acts 1:8 - "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

So, Jesus says, you will receive power from the Holy Spirit and be my witnesses (they were also told to go be witnesses in Matthew remember) So, rather than going out, they huddle up.

Enter stage right...ACTS 8:1 - "On that day a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria."

See God will accomplish His word one way or the other. The prospect frightens me somewhat. I don't want to see us persecuted, but then I think "everyday we already do." It just could get worse is all. But thankfully, we serve a God who has promised never to forsake us, and a God who does answer prayer. So, my exhortation continues: Pray for our nation, pray for our leaders, pray for our world, and we should also pray for ourselves, that we would follow as we were intended to do so.

The way I see it we as Christians have a choice. We can choose to fall on the Rock of Christ Jesus and be broken...or have the Rock fall on us and crush us. We get broken either way, one way just seems a little better path to tread. "So God, Please break our hearts with what breaks Yours, let us see with Your eyes, and hear with Your ears, and speak with Your words, all the while showing Your LOVE...Who YOU ARE. Thank you Jesus, in Your Holy Name we humbly pray, in faith in expectation of receiving, knowing You are already there at the end of the road. Amen"

(Please feel free to comment and share)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always did like hearing truth. Very well put, and great exhortation.