Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An Online Experiment

So, one of the reasons that I wanted to start this blogging business is that I have been saying for a while that I would like to teach a few things about theology, doctrine, the Christian faith, and items such as that. I have found many people in the church who do not know anything about Church history, Apologetics (defense of the faith), Theology, Doctrines, Denominational Backgrounds or even the basics of Christian Discipline and learning. So, as an experiment, I am going to begin posting lessons about these things on my blog here. My hope is that This will be a place that people can come and grow in their own walk and ministry; and that I might play some small part in doing that.

I do not want this to become a "school" but rather a place where people can come get some basic education about what a Christian belief system or worldview looks like. Too many believers cannot explain the biblical doctrines of the nature of God, or the person of Christ, or even many times the means of salvation. Fewer believers still could easily and rationally defend their belief in the existence of God, or the deity of Christ, or Christ's resurrection, or the accuracy of scripture, yet these are things the Bible tells us we should be able to do. "Why is this?" I asked myself, and then I answered myself, "Perhaps, it is simply that people don't have a place to learn these things." "I hope that is the case rather than people not caring to know them." I replied. And so I begin to think perhaps I will try this online and see how it goes. Please pass around the word, and feel free to ask any questions that you may have, just leave a comment for me on the posts, I'll read them and reply as quickly as possible.

So, where to begin...?

Perhaps we begin at the beginning. Tonight's discussion will focus on Salvation...The Second Birth...Redemption...Being Born Again...or any other "Christianese" word you want to use. The problems is that non-Christians don't speak "Christianese" So, let's describe what we mean.

First a quick bible story lesson: According to scripture, God created man (Adam) and placed him sinless into paradise. Adam did not have a hard job. It was simply to walk around. The plants watered themselves, the animals did not fight, he just had to walk around. So, God made for Adam - Eve, his helper. And thus we have the first marriage union. God gave them one rule - Don't eat of the tree in the middle of the garden. Simple enough, walk fruitful and anything you want except for the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. Easy right? Now Eve listens to the serpent, eats of the fruit, gives some to Adam, who also eats of it, and both realize they are naked and hide from God. Sin has entered creation by man's choice. Mankind is now cut off from a Holy God who cannot even look upon sin. God in His infinite mercy casts mankind out of the garden of Eden after giving him clothes of animal skins to wear and pronouncing curses upon the land, punishments upon man and woman, etc. This is where the Bible begins and is know as the fall of man. All creation now sits under the curse of sin and will until Christ comes to establish His eternal kingdom and sin is forever abolished. So a Holy God is now separated from His creation which He longs to be with. (Just as an aside God cast man out of the garden to protect him, not to punish him - Read Genesis 3:22 - It was an act to allow for mankind's redemption, not a punishment) How to remedy this? Fortunately God has an answer.

I will not delve now into all the "Theories of Imputation" on Original Sin here, but rather save that for another lesson, but I will quickly explain what it means. The Theories of Imputation are the different ideas for how Adam's sin is passed on to all of mankind. Suffice it to say here that the Bible teaches a couple of certainties regarding man's sin:

1. Everyone, every man, woman, child, is guilty of sin...No exceptions - Romans 3:23

2. The wages of sin is death - Romans 6:23

So let's say that I hired you to work for me for $100 for 1 hour. At the end of the hour you want your wage, right? The wage of your sin is death...complete and total death separate from God. You will be paid it. So what do you do? Salvation as defined is: 1. The act of saving from harm or loss. 2. the state of being thus saved. 3. a means of being thus saved. 4. Biblical: the deliverance from the power and penalty of sin. 5. Personal: God's rescue of sinners.

God made a way for us to not get what we deserve. Christ died in our place to pay the penalty for sin. We can be accepted and forgiven if we repent and place our faith in Christ.

So what is sin exactly? Most theologians would define it as such: any lack of conformity to God's moral law. You see this makes it much more difficult. Some would say sin is breaking any known law. But the more traditional definition includes not just actions, but also a state of being. It includes involuntary sins and sins of ignorance, not just things you know are wrong.
So, man's present condition is one in which we have no footing to stand before a Holy and Just God. We are in trouble.

Jesus comes to the earth, born of a virgin, and leading a sinless life. All we have to do the receive salvation is believe on Him and in His sacrifice for our sins. We confess we are sinners and without hope without Him, ask Him to forgive our sins, and ask Him to be the Lord of our life. Simple huh? Okay, so what happens when I do this? This is where people usually get lost and bogged down. What next? So I explain.

There are three terms used to describe what is happening to you when you take this step of faith, believe on Jesus and ask Him to save you from your sins. The terms are: Justification, Regeneration, & Sanctification.

So what does that mean?

Justification is a declaration of spiritual acquittal. Here's the thing: many people today either think they 1. can or 2. must earn their salvation by what they do. What you do is irrelevant in God's economy though. You cannot EARN anything with God. The Bible teaches that the righteousness of man is "as filthy rags" before God. So our best effort is meaningless. See, the issue is, God's judgement is based on one thing alone, Himself. We either have to be perfect just as He is, or we're out. He'd give you the tie goes to the runner, but you and I CANNOT match His perfection. So the first time you sinned (Violated the law) you are out, there are no 3 strikes, you're out, first time, no second chances. But, when we accept Jesus Christ as savior and trust Him to save us, this amazing miracle takes place. We are justified before God. When a judges in a criminal case acquits a person, they are free to go. No punishment or penalty will be dealt to that person - regardless of the person's actual guilt or not. A sinner who repents is justified based on Christ's work, not his or her own efforts. See, Christ's death for our sins is a substitutionary death, meaning He died in our place taking the punishment upon Himself. Think of it as if your child or BFF had committed some horrible deed, and just as they are told they will serve life in prison, you step up and serve the life sentence in their place. Think similar to Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay in A Tale of Two Cities. Being sinless and perfect Himself, He was able to pay the price for others since He did not have to pay ti Himself. He took our place on the cross. and in the second we trust Him and ask Him for salvation, He Justifies us... JUST as IF I had never sinned. He wipes it out. It is gone, remembered no more according to the Bible. This is the miracle work of Justification. But only gets better.

Regeneration is the new life given to a believer in Christ. This is accomplished through the Holy Spirit. Does accepting the gift of Salvation make a person not sin anymore? Of course not, we still live in a fallen world and still suffer the effects of sin's curse upon all of creation. However, since you have been indwelled by the Spirit of God, you are now empowered to live free from sin. It is referred to as being "made alive in Christ" the "New man" the "new nature", or even the "New or second birth". Because you have asked Christ into your heart, as Lord and as savior, His Spirit comes in and marks you as His. This justifies you, and equips you to walk and live a righteous life. This leads us to the third word...

Sanctification. This is the process through which you are changed into the image and likeness of Christ. It is becoming what you were declared when you were Justified. Seen when you are Justified - at the moment of salvation - God declares you sinless and a perfect reflection of His Son Jesus. Through Sanctification you actually flesh that out. Remember I said that accepting the gift of salvation doesn't make you not sin? You still have a choice to sin or not, but now your sins are forgiven and washed away. While you are sanctified you are being changed to reflect the image of Christ. Sanctification is the changing of the human bent towards sin. I once was told a story about a guy telling an evangelist he couldn't be saved. "Why not" the evangelist asked him. "Because then I'd have to give up cussing, and drinking and smoking and drugs and partying, and those things." "No you don't." was the reply. "God will forgive you of your sins right where you are." So the partying, drinking, smoking, cussing sinner decided to accept Christ as his Lord and Savior. A short time later the evangelist is out and again sees this man who has been converted. The man tells the evangelist "You lied to me!" "How?" came the reply. "You said I didn't have to give up those things I was doing in order to be saved." "You didn't have to give them up to be saved." the evangelist said. "But i don't enjoy doing them anymore!" was the convert's reply. "Of course you don't, you're being made new." was the response. This is what happens in Sanctification. God will accept you right where you are and forgive your sins (Justification), he will restore a right relationship ad put His life anew in your heart and soul (Regeneration) and He will equip you to live on the outside the change He instantly worked on the inside (Sanctification). It is becoming like Christ through the leading of the Holy Spirit, obedience to the will of God. You will begin to see the fruit of the spirit bloom forth in your life. It is amazing to see and experience.

So, quick recap: 1. Man is sinful 2. God made a way to save man from sin 3. Jesus Christ died as a sinless man in order to pay the price for all mankind 4. Christ's effective work is appropriated for us by personal faith. upon accepting Christ He Justifies, Regenerates, and Sanctifies Us.

The scriptural definition of faith includes agreeing that Jesus is Lord, that He died for our sins in our place, and that He rose again. There is more involved than simply intellect though. saving faith includes a commitment to Christ, evidenced by a change in behavior. This change in behavior is made possible by the indwelling Holy Spirit of God and the believer's choice to by obedient to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

That's a good quick reference on Salvation. there are some good scriptures to review for followup:
1. What is man's condition?
Genesis 3:16-24, Psalm 143:2, John 3:3-5, Romans 3:10-12, 19, 23, Romans 5:12, 1 John 1:8
2.How can man be righteous before God?
Isaiah 53:4-6, Mark 10:45, Romans 5:8, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 John 3:5, John 3:16
3. If Jesus paid for my sins what do I have to do?
John 3:14-18, Acts 16:29-31, Romans 3:28, Romans 5:1, Galatians 2:16, 20 & 3:11
4. What happens when I put my faith in Christ?
John 3:1-8, Romans 8:9-11, Galatians 5:22-26
5. What does God want my to do now?
Romans 6:15-18 & 8:12-17 & 12:1-8, Ephesians 2:10, Ephesians 4-6 especially 4:22-24

So what if you want to place your faith in Christ right now? Simple...just ask. There is no secret formula for placing your faith in Jesus Christ and accepting His sacrifice, just ask Him to save you is all it takes. Here's a simple prayer if you are needing help:

"Lord Jesus, I confess (agree with You) that I am a sinner. I cannot save myself from sin, but I believe that you came as the final sacrifice for sin. I believe that you are the only begotten Son of God and that you died in my place and rose again from the grave. I ask you now to forgive me of my sins and to cleanse me of all the unrighteousness of them according to your word. (1 John 1:9) I ask you to come and live in my heart and to be the Lord and Savior of my life, and to make me a new creation. I thank you Jesus for all of these things, and for the help of your spirit which enables me to walk in your ways. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

If you did just pray that prayer and ask Jesus Christ to come into you life, you are a new creation in Christ...share it with someone! you've just experienced the greatest miracle of all, and have great things in store ahead of you!

Please feel free to pass this along, and to let others know, or to comment as you see fit to me. thanks you all and I will see you again soon for more teaching.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a very thurough explanation. Keep up the good work.